Monday, 18 May 2009

More Paperwork

I have now tracked down all of the guarantees, certificates and permissions and so on and bundled the whole lot up with a covering letter and delivered it round to the solicitors' office yesterday afternoon. I have given him all the originals as the thought of scanning all that lot in through a home printer / copier / scanner was more than I could cope with – I would have needed to stop for a shave half way through! I am glad that it is all done now – another job ticked off the list.

I think the purchaser will be getting a survey later this week. I would be surprised if anything came out of that so we are making good progress.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork

A huge amount of guff arrived from our solicitors yesterday morning so I spent last night trying to find all the guarantees and other documents required to complete the sale. I was struck, whilst watching the news on the BBC at the same time how much extra money I could save if I had a second home allowance similar to our elected representatives, that way I could execute a quick "flip" to avoid CGT having had some help with the refurbishments costs. Oh well – I shall have to remain a humble tax payer.

I have written to the solicitor who claims in one of his two letters to arrive to have obtained Office Copy Entries. I thought the whole point of a HIP was to avoid the need to get these reports – instead it appears we are paying for two of them! I shall wait and see what he says.

Just got to find the guarantee and inspection certificate for the central heating system and wait for the final certificate from the Local Authority's building control which I have only just realised we haven't got yet.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Offers that come to nothing

Nearly a month since my last update and whilst there has been a lot of activity there has been no offers that have amounted to anything.

We received a reasonable and serious rental offer but after giving the matter some thought decided to reject it. The plan was always to sell this house and that isn't going to happen while somebody else is living in it. It was interesting that the opening rental offer was increased after a couple of weeks both in terms of duration and value as we kept rejecting it but I remain convinced we made the right decision at this time.

A couple of weeks ago I asked another agent to get involved and this seems to have made a difference. We have received another offer for close(ish) to the target price but the agent doubts they are serious. There seems to be a number of people at the moment who put offers on houses they have no intention (or no ability) to actually complete on. We continue to get a number of viewings and I remain confident that there will be positive news fairly soon.