Monday, 8 December 2008

Bathroom Order

I have finally ordered what I think will be everything not purchased so far for the new upstairs bathroom and the cloakroom. This order includes all the waste, wall hangers, panels, taps and so on. Everything. Everything that is until I am told what I have forgotten! Doubtless the plumber will take great delight in telling me.

The total amount spent on all of these bits and pieces is £683.66 which is considerably less than £3000 in the budget. This seems like good news but the budget also included estimates for the stud work, plastering and fitting etc which has now been moved to another line item. As I mentioned in an earlier post it is difficult to truly know how the budget is doing line by line but overall I think we are just about there.

1 comment:

plasterer surrey said...

plasterer surrey
Please continue to write more because it’s unusual that someone has something interesting to say about this. Will be waiting for more!