Monday, 2 February 2009

January Statistics and a Milestone

January has seen a record number of visits to this blog but I am not really sure why. The 30th and 31st January saw a relatively large number visits from all over the world. I can only assume they arrived from people browsing blogs in blogger and for some reason my mediocre efforts were at the top of the list. Anyway here is a world map showing where all my visitors came from (click on the picture to make the map larger).

The deeper the green the more visitors. It is all quite exciting but in truth none of these visitors hung around very long. In total in January I had 406 visits from 108 individuals in 24 countries.

I am sure I have mentioned it before but I also know what words people key into Google (and other search engines) that get them to the blog. Most of them are as you would expect but I imagine that the person who searched for 'Amateur "Shower Head" Insertion' wasn't that interested in property development.

Also – this is my 100th post. There are many (me included) who didn't think I would keep it up. We have all been proved wrong.

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