Saturday, 11 April 2009

Offer Update

We have just received a second offer for the house which is much more acceptable. Not as high as we would have wanted but one that will turn a profit.

The Estate Agent is just negotiating the final figure and then it looks like we may a have buyer.

I'll post an update as soon as I have one.


Janx said...

looking promising: is your priority now to rid yourself of it, or to get a reasonable return?

DavidB said...

great news and very well done

MotB said...

sounds very promising, get them signed up.

My own little preference is that when the agent writes up the Memorandum of Sale rather than specify a period of time (4 weeks?) to exchange contracts, specify the actual date. This helps to focus the mind of the purchaser and the solicitors.

PS. Is Janx your potential purchaser in disguise?

Janx said...

Janx could be a purchaser - but has just received authorisation from the Chief Exec to buy some woodland, so will now be cash poor for a while - perhaps there's a blog to be had on woodland management ("Oak tree #21 grew 6 inches this year...") or perhaps not!