Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Carpets are In

The carpets have been laid and fitted and they have made a huge difference to the look of the house. It feels warm an cosy now. The warmth is helped by the fact that the gas has been fully connected and we have had all of the radiators on. The house is so well insulated they had to switch them all off again after only 20 mins as the house got too hot!

I hadn't seen this new stair rail before. It looks better than it does in these photographs but it still looks pretty special. In the near future there is a danger this house may look like a home.

Here is an older picture of the outside of the house. There is some more painting to be done as you can see and then that is is another job completed. The agent is keen to get a proper picture. I did suggest we could use this one and then "PhotoShop" it but as we are hopeful of improved weather over the next couple of days it shouldn't be necessary.


Anonymous said...

are you going to get rid of that sh1te tree to the left of the door????

Decorem said...

It's not that bad, anyway I am not sure we own it.

It probably has a TPO on it!

Tim Leunig said...

Way too small for a TPO.

Anyway - have you seen David B's garden? His bushes are so well trimmed that it is very bare indeed.

Decorem said...

That would be a BPO then?

Janx said...

Some councils have an online map showing things like TPOs. Couldn't find it for the local borough. I usually like a trimmed bush, but in this case think you're better off leaving it - adds colour.