As mentioned before, Mrs APD was round at the house yesterday giving it a quick clean before the viewings started. She heard a knock at the door and went to investigate. It was a representative from a rival estate agent who clearly wanted to sell the house. I had assumed that this type of door stepping had long since stopped but it appears it is still alive and well in this part of the country. He appeared very keen to gain entry and has such phrases as:-
"We sold one over the road for more money recently"
We have loads of buyers that would want this"
Can I just take a look inside?"
Would you like us to sell it for you?" and so on .... you get the idea.
Anyway the line that re-enforced his credentials and reminds us all why estate agents are not universally popular was "Are you the cleaner?". Mrs APD is not one to take offence but enjoyed the retorting "No I'm the owner" before closing the door.
No victoria sponge for him.
what an oaf - missing out on Mrs APD's victoria sponge.......
Should we not have a house party at some stage - I like the look of a carpet curry picnic on that nice sandy rug?
Best make it a 'white wine only' party!
I think a white wine and water party is in order. Come on APD, send out those invitations...
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