Tuesday, 10 February 2009

A New Clock

As the original date for project completion has been and gone there seems little point in keeping the project clock up doing nothing.

I have found a new gadget that is counting up from completion to completion. I hope it doesn't get too high.


Tim Leunig said...

can we have a ticker with the interest cost? it could increase like those right-wing blogs tickers of national debt!


Decorem said...

Good idea. I could then divide the total by the number of readers of the blog so you all know your share.

Anonymous said...

I've suddenly lost interest in reading this blog ..... :-)

PS - Carpets make a huge difference to the house. Did you make the garden look pretty? - in addition to a lovely new kitchen and bathroom for some reason having neat and tidy lawn/shrubs/flowers seems to aid selling, although I appreciate the time of year does not assist you here) Pressume agents will now be gathering glamorous pictures and you will be inundated with propective purchasers this weekend!

Tim Leunig said...

Our share? We are your advisors. We will be billing you at the end, £250 an hour.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe I missed that trick - well done Tim for the suggestion. I shall be drafting my (elaborate and creative but entirely appropriate) invoice shortly. Now, what about a bonus? I can provide evidence of suitable decision-making incompetence and feel sure that as APD knows of my work ethic he could attest to its veracity ...... :-)

Decorem said...

Mmmm. Veracity. Is that really the time? I feel quite peckish myself.

Decorem said...


Referring back to your earlier post. I thought the new world order suggested that

a) I am in debt.
b) I cannot afford to pay it.
c) You bail me out.

Have I missed something?

Anonymous said...

Can we see a photo of the trimmed bush - sure looks lot better.

ps carpets look great....

Decorem said...

Certainly not - what sort of website do you think this is?