Saturday, 28 February 2009

Off Topic Post

I hope nobody minds but as this is my blog I think I should be allowed to hijack it with an off topic post if I want to!

I am running the London Marathon in April. If you would like to sponsor me (all donations to Asthma UK) I could really do with the support. You can get to my donations page by clicking here or by using the widget on the right hand side of this blog.

Thank you.

Mark (aka APD)


Tim Leunig said...

Surely the money should be going to the bankrupt property developers benevolent fund?

Seriously: a good thing to do. What is your target time?

Decorem said...

I would like to it @ 10 minutes per mile but that might be a bit beyond me. I can do that sort of time for 10 miles but much further than that and I can't keep it up.

Tim Leunig said...

So you target is 4 hours 20 then? In that case I will sponsor you a tenner for finishing, a further £2.50 for every minute you come in under 4 hours 45mins, and £25 bonus if you hit your target. So if you hit your target, you will get about £100.


Decorem said...

Thanks Tim that's very generous. I think the comment you left on the Just Giving page is slightly beyond me.

"plus £25 if you hit 2 hours 20"

If I come in at 2 hours 20 I would expect to get come back page headlines! I guess 4 hours 20 is what you meant which is a possibility.

Apparently my sister ran the London marathon in about 4:22 (18 years ago or so) so I would like to be the fastest sibling.

Tim Leunig said...

Sorry - it was supposed to say 4.40. I have corrected it. If you do it in 2 hours 20, I will buy the house!

I seem to have started a trend of time related payments. Always good to give people an incentive.

Do report your sponsorship running total to your readers here...

Anonymous said...

you two are a right pair of twitters - do your wives know of your secret twist on blog sites.......worrying.....