There still seems a lot to do before the carpets go in on Tuesday morning.
Here is an update of inside work still required before then.
- A little bit more decorating and touching up especially the loft hatch now the insulation is all in.
- Grouting to be completed on the bathroom wall tiles (should be done on Sunday)
- Showers and other services to be connected
- Floor tiles to be installed (should be done on Sunday)
- The kitchen needs to be painted
- The cloakroom need to be installed and painted
- The floor of the cloakroom and kitchen needs to be tiled
- The walls need a second coat of paint (this is happening today)
- The radiators need to be connected
- The front door needs a second coat of paint
Everyone is working flat out today, tomorrow and Monday so I am sure all the areas where the carpets are going will be done but there will be work left in the tiled rooms (hopefully not the bathroom). There is a little more to do outside but the weather has been so poor that there has been no opportunity to paint yet. I am hopeful that we will be finished completely by the end of next week which is still behind schedule.
The good news is that it looks fantastic. I won't publish any more pictures until the carpets are in.
were you working flat out on Sunday Morning then? :-)
Clearly Tim knows more about APDs condition on Sunday morning than he is letting on: nothing to do with the rugby on Saturday afternoon (or any subsequent celebratory imbibing of alcoholic beverages) by any chance?! Looking forward to the final pictures - but the party invite appears to have been lost in the post. :-)
I can't comment on his condition on Sunday morning, only very late on Saturday night. And the two tend to be correlated...
Just for the record; I think you can comment on my condition on Sunday morning. Certainly the bit of Sunday morning before we all went home!
I can also vouch for poor condition late saturday night - i was also flat out until very late Sunday am
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