I have been asked where I want the thermostat and taps to be placed in relation to the shower head. It is pretty obvious (to me anyway) that the shower head should be in the middle of the bath which means the taps should be to the right. Assuming that it cannot be connected from either side.
I don't really understand the point of this design. Why isn't the connector to the shower head on top of the unit and why it is not in the middle. There must be some clever design factor that is beyond me.
I don't really understand the point of this design. Why isn't the connector to the shower head on top of the unit and why it is not in the middle. There must be some clever design factor that is beyond me.

If the connector was on the top, then unless the hose was stretched taut (unlikely), the hose would kink where it joined the control unit, as gravity would pull it down.
If you really wanted it coming out the top, you could mount it upside down :-)
You should fit it so that the controls are easy to reach, that is, near the outer rather than the wall side of the bath. Then people can turn it on before getting into the shower, and not get cold water on themselves (nb this works better if you have a shower curtain, but is still the better option.)
Oh yes - very good. It makes perfect sense really.
I can see that shower design will never be my forte.
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