This is quite an old picture that I haven't used before. It shows the brick work above the front door which is not in good nick. Some of this needs to be taken down and repaired / replaced as appropriate as the cracks you can see are not supposed to be there!

Whilst we can postpone (indefinitely) the re-pointing and re-rendering this job is not something we can leave however we cannot do it while the temperatures are so cold. The builder had hoped to do this on Saturday but there was no opportunity and we will need to look ahead and get a couple of days of warmer (not freezing) weather so we can get this done and let the cement set.
Luckily I am the Amateur Property Developer not the Amateur Weather Forecaster.
Since I made this entry the temperature has risen by 8 degrees or so according to the thermometer in my car this morning.
Looks like we may be able to mix some cement (if we can keep it dry).
If you were not considering the £250k SDLT hurdle, you might consider an investment in an open porch over the front door.
What a great idea. That might look pretty good. I am not sure how much extra is would cost to do but it is worth asking the question.
I took a look at adding an open porch. I have decided against it as the front garden is tiny and the porch would almost become a covered walk way to the front door.
I am not sure it would look that good as a result.
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